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Title:Multifunctional Portable Pull Dip Bar

  •  Portable Pull Dip Bar Station Stabilizer  Multifunctional Pull up HMS Premium JZC0Q3

    Portable Pull Dip Bar Station Stabilizer Multifunctional Pull up HMS Premium JZC0Q3

    Issue Time:2023年04月13日,View:737
    Multifunctional Portable Pull Dip Bar HMS PREMIUM is a multifunctional handrail. It was designed mainly to carry out two exercises: pull on the stick and push-ups on the arms, ie. dips. These are two exercises, developing very strongly, the two groups antagonistic to each other muscles, the latissimus dorsi muscle or the biceps and chest muscles with triceps. Rod and rails, of course, can also be used for training the abdominal muscles. As a result, JZC0Q3 give you the opportunity, expand, virtually all the upper parts of the muscle. Maximum permissible load railings is 300 kg, which allows…
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